Get Coached by Leslie


Welcome to the Coaching Madness Special Offer!

Hi there. I'm glad that you made it to this page. You are just one click away from getting the support you need in your work / job search.

** NOTE: I make the distinction between looking for work and looking for a job because ...while jobs are tough to find in today's economy, there is still plenty of work to do. It's just getting packaged up differently. Work is being packaged up into projects.

So, whether you are looking for a job -- or simply looking for project work, you might need some help. Sometimes all it takes is a targeted conversation with a professional to get you going, to help you focus, to get results. Someone who has years of experience helping others in the job/work search, someone who has a proven track record of helping people get results, even in recessionary times, someone like me. :o)

Here's your opportunity to work with a seasoned career coach -- me -- for a ridiculously low price. That's why I'm calling it...


Imagine working with a coach who can help you do the following:

  rework your value pitch -- what do you have to offer the market? Why should a company want to hire you...for a job or a project?
  get feedback on your resume and oral presentation
  determine how to set yourself apart from your competition -- how you can differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace
  figure out your "Unique Selling Proposition" -- what you have to sell to a company that no one else has
  create a vision for the kind of work you want to do in the marketplace
  formulate your "message" and tell you story -- on paper and in person
  ace the interview and leave a memorable impression
  follow "non-traditional" ways of finding work
  create work in the marketplace...and charge for it!

....and more...

Of course, you can't do all that in one session, but here's what you can accomplish. You can focus on that one issue that will help you move forward... exponentially!

And, best of all, you can do this for a ridiculously low price..........$99. For one hour of coaching. That is an enormous savings off my regular hourly coaching rate. Plus, a BONUS!

Reserve 1 hour of Laser Coaching with me & get this great bonus

In addition to the coaching session, I am offering this F*R*E*E* bonus.

** BONUS GIFT: The Interviewing Game: Handling Difficult Questions With Grace (Q&A) Recording This hour long recording was done as part of the Virtual Career Coaching Week. ($37 value)

Click Here to Sign Up

So, if you are in a job search, feel like you want a little extra support at a great price, click here to sign up:

This is a one-time event
held over a 2 day period.

The coaching is open to the first 12 people who avail themselves of this offer.

And, for the first 3 who sign up,
you'll get 90 minutes with me.
To talk about whatever you want.

Once you sign up, you'll get an email with instructions on how to sign up for your time with me.

I hope I have the chance to meet with you and to help you through your most immediate challenge.

Make sure that you secure your spot

Click Here to Sign Up

I look forward to our one-to-one coaching session.

Leslie Evans Thorne
The Virtual Career Coach